• We make sure that each product is being shipped in accordance to its individual requirements. Usually express shipment is being selected in order to avoid any impact on product quality. Of course we use cooling packs or dry-ice as needed.
  • If the product is in stock the products usually leave the manufacturer within two days after order confirmation.
  • We cooperate with a range of well established logistics companies like ZTO, S.F. Express, EMS and others. In case you prefer shipment via a courier of your choice, please contact our ordering department. We gladly help you with the planning process: order@yhsbio.com, Phone +86 021-54651191. Of course, no shipping costs apply for courier shipments paid by you.
  • Shipping time depends on the product (In Stock or Future). The average shipping time is no long than two weeks for all products. The product state could be find on the web, extra information could be get from Yihyson via E-mail or phone.
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